Granny Lucette’s baked apples
Ingredients for 6:
– 6 Grey Canada apples from Les Calades (or Chantecler)
– 220gr caster sugar
– 60gr soft organic butter
– 1L apricot juice or sweet cider
-Cooking Time: 40 min
-Preparation Time: 15 min
– Take the butter out of the fridge 20min before using it.
– Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th.6). Rinse the apples, then remove the cores but do not peel them.
– Slather the baking tray with butter and set the apples inside.
– Put a knob of butter inside each apple, and then add the sugar. Finally pour the apricot juice/cider in the apple.
– Pour the juice / cider left on the bottom of the dish, and spread sugar on the apples
– Put in the oven for 40 min watering it with the cooking juice from time to time.
– Eat the apples cold or warm after cooking.
A glass of our apple juice from Les Calades with this recipe will make it a delicious dessert, and why not add some vanilla ice cream…