The warehouse
Two generations of the family Donat- Jullian have succeeded and have changed the tool from the packing house to Calades …From a small family-grader 80s, capacity and volume of apples have made switch the installation to modernity. More demands, more efficiency, more speed, today we work our 9 varieties from August to December, flexibly and independently through our own grading.
Since 2012 BRC certification came to mark the work quality of the packaging team.
The apple season runs from August to December. About 20 people to coordinate and divide tasks between packaging, palletizing, strapping, order picking, handling and forklift drivers.
Packaging used are mostly wooden trays, 50 * 30 with 1 row or 2. But for some commands, it frequently happens that the plastic or cardboard are also used. The major part of the conditioned space being sold in France, the sales program is updated regularly according to the types of orders fulfilled. We have acquired as the years great responsiveness and rigor in our work in the expedition.

Laurence’s apple pie
Ingredients for 6:
– 7 to 8 Elstar from Les Calades
– 1 Puff pastry
– 20gr Organic butter
– 3 Tablespoons of caster sugar
– 2 tablespoons of flour
-Cooking time: 30 min
-Preparation time: 30 min
– Preheat the oven at 190° (Th7)
– Butter generously the bottom and the sides of the baking tray then sprinkle the sugar.
– Spread the puff pastry and jab it with a fork in order to stop the pastry rising during the cooking time.
– Scatter flour on the pastry to absorb the juice excess during the cooking time.
– Peel the Elstar from Les Calades, remove the cores and then cut them in thin slices.
– Arrange the slices on the pastry, overlapping them.
– Heat the butter to melt it and slather the apples with it.
– Sprinkle some extra sugar at the top of your pie before putting it in the oven.
– Keep an eye on the pie in order to get a gold colour on top of the pie.
-Let it cool down before savouring it!
Laurence sometimes puts apricot jam on the pastry below the apples, to maximise the Calades Elstar apples taste.
And to enjoy this even more, try a drink of the bivarietal apple juice from Les Calades.

Granny Lucette’s baked apples
Ingredients for 6:
– 6 Grey Canada apples from Les Calades (or Chantecler)
– 220gr caster sugar
– 60gr soft organic butter
– 1L apricot juice or sweet cider
-Cooking Time: 40 min
-Preparation Time: 15 min
– Take the butter out of the fridge 20min before using it.
– Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th.6). Rinse the apples, then remove the cores but do not peel them.
– Slather the baking tray with butter and set the apples inside.
– Put a knob of butter inside each apple, and then add the sugar. Finally pour the apricot juice/cider in the apple.
– Pour the juice / cider left on the bottom of the dish, and spread sugar on the apples
– Put in the oven for 40 min watering it with the cooking juice from time to time.
– Eat the apples cold or warm after cooking.
A glass of our apple juice from Les Calades with this recipe will make it a delicious dessert, and why not add some vanilla ice cream…

Laura’s crumble with Granny Smith apples
Ingredients for 6:
– 6 Granny Smith apples from Les Calades (or Elstar)
– 100gr soft organic butter
– 220gr flour
– 200gr caster sugar
-Cooking Time: 50 min
-Preparation Time: 30 min
– Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th.6)
– Peel the apples and cut them in pieces as big as a thimble.
– Prepare the pastry mixing with your hands the sugar, the butter and the flour, until it becomes homogeneous.
– Spread a little bit of pastry on the bottom of the dish, and then fill it with the apples slices. Cover the apples with the leftover pastry.
– Let it cook till the top has become gold.
– Eat it warm or cold, with some custard or vanilla ice cream.
You can also flavour the pastry with some cinnamon, this spice is apple friendly!
Our “Cerise et Potiron” apple juice will match this recipe very well.

The Tatin tart from Les Calades
Ingredients for 6:
– 80gr soft organic butter
– 260gr of caster sugar
– 8 Pippin Queen from Les Calades
– 200gr of puff pastry
– 30gr of caster sugar
-Cooking Time: 40 min
-Preparation Time: 30 min
– Preheat the oven at 180°C (Th.6)
– In your pie tray, put 50gr of sugar and 4 tablespoons of water
– Melt it on low heat till you get a gold caramel then add the butter.
– Cover the caramel with the sliced apples, the slices must be put very close to each other.
– Put it in the oven and cook for 20 min.
– Take it out and spread 30gr of sugar on it. Let it cool down.
– Cover the apples with the pastry. Jab it with a fork, and put the edges inside.
– Heat in the oven for 20 min.
– Let it cool down for 1h, and turn it upside down on a dessert dish. You can eat it warm or cold with custard or vanilla ice cream.
You can flavour it with some extra vanilla beans on the bottom of the dish, or spread some cinnamon on the apples.
The bivarietal apple juice is excellent with this popular French dessert.

To have a good lunch in l’Isle sur la Sorgue
– La Prévôté (in the Town center, next to the church)
It is also a guesthouse, where you could spend a nice week-end…
– Le Jardin du Quai (in the town center, next to the train station)
Go and have a virtual look on:
– L’Auberge de Carcarille (in Gordes, 15 km from L’Isle sur la Sorgue)
This is a three-star hotel-restaurant with a fantastic view on Gordes…

To purchase good produces around l’Isle sur la Sorgue
– Les Marchés de Provence in Carpentras (25 km from l’Isle sur la Sorgue)
– Au Coin de Jardin at Robion (15 km from l’Isle sur la Sorgue)
Go and have a virtual look on:
– Au Jardin des Sorgues (coming out of l’Isle sur la Sorgue, on the way to Caumont)
Do not hesitate to “like” their Facebook page!

Good to see in the area…
– The River Sorgue in Fontaine de Vaucluse:
Ten minutes’ drive from l’Isle sur la Sorgue (about 5 km) lays the lovely village
of Fontaine de Vaucluse. The river Sorgue springs from the bottom of the
mount, just above the village… Follow the path for a 5 minutes-walk along the
river to look at the nice spring!
– l’Isle sur la Sorgue market, every Sunday.
The market on the first Sunday of August is on the River Sorgue!
– Gordes (15 km from l’Isle sur la Sorgue)
The best to discover it by car is to drive from Coustellet, you will get thegreatest view…
– The Abbey of Senanque (20 km from l’Isle sur la Sorgue)
With beautiful lavender fields, take the picturesque road between l’Isle sur la
Sorgue and Murs, in the natural regional park of Luberon.
Environmental commitments
The apple from les Calades comes from a family firm, which sets strategic goals considering sustainable development in its everyday life, with a certified GlobalGAP management.
The sustainable development is a working way committing on ecology and social key points. It’s a way to progress in preserving nature and human beings; we consider our work tool as a global asset to give to our children.
The apple tree is sensitive to several parasites and different diseases. Once a week a technician controls the trees to observe and carry out an assessment. Each herbicide treatment is compulsorily justified and motivated by parasites presence (minimum limits reached) or the diseases observation. We are cautious about the number of insecticides we use, so we set ALT-CARPO nets on the major part of our orchards.
The use of some alternative wrestling technics against chemical products has been organized since 2008. It’s the sexual confusion against the carpocapse: in April (before the love season) we place many diffusers limiting the carpocapse butterflies coupling, and therefore limiting the harmful larva laying.
Every task is recorded on software to keep a better control of the nature and our impacts. We must preserve the soil structure and its life, so we spread organic fertilizer in winter. All our watering operations are reasonable, depending on the readings of the water pressure monitor and a follow-up of the soils drying.
At Les Calades everyday life is rhymed by a constant work to decrease water consumption, the trash selection, an optimal dematerialization and the use of recycled materials (in packaging for example).
Some concrete examples in Les Calades :
- Maximizing the use of water resources in placing micro-sprinkling system, or dripping installation in our orchards. It reduces temperatures and enables the control of trees watering; it limits the use of fertilizers as well.
- Limiting the use of fertilizers inputs using organic fertilizers in winter (that improve the soil resources).
- Considered a CO2 well on the planet, such as every agricultural trees plantation, les Calades contributes to catch the carbon dioxide in atmosphere, which decreases the greenhouse effect on earth.
- Generalizing the trash selection and boosting the trash treatment to limit the environment pollution.